Experience the power of healing by receiving energy.


1. Pranic Healing (on 11 Chakras)
2. Reiki Healing (on 7 Chakras)


  • Utilizes "Prana" or life energy to heal the human body. ("Prana" is a Sanskrit word that means "life-force")
  • Prana, (or ki) is the life energy that our bodies need to maintain good health.
  • Healing by means of touch or distance.
  • Activates the natural healing processes of the patient's body to restore physical and emotional well-being.
  • Divine energy is channelized into Pranic energy.
  • Chakras are cleansed, strengthened & energized.
  • Chakras are energy transformers that transform one form of energy into another.
  • Spiritual energy is mellowed down, modified, transformed and physicalized- right from the crown energy center to the basic energy center.
  • Spiritual energy transformers also intensify, mellow down and modify the energy passing through them.


  • Supreme level of bio energy transmission to protect and rescue you instantly from acute and deadly pain, emotional set backs, fear/phobia.
  • Healing has the power to offer instant rescue from any unforeseen collapsible state of health and mind.